Doves: "Kingdom of Rust"
"If two alt rock bands—Doves and Coldplay—were dangling precariously over a fiery pit of lava and I could only save one, I would drop Chris Martin and company faster than you could say “Viva La Vida”. This is because Doves manage to provide listeners with a pleasant and down-to-earth level of rock from album to album without fail. Most Doves fans I know have remained steadfast in their support since getting into the group’s earlier collections of work like Lost Souls (2000) and Some Cities (2005). In Kingdom of Rust, no song is otherworldly; yet each is solid and contributory to the elegant sound and feel of the album. “Kingdom of Rust” and “Winter Hill” are my personal favorites. “Jetstream”, meanwhile, sounds like something in Radiohead’s wheelhouse." - Joel Churnin

Various Artist: "New Moon Soundtrack"
"I'm pretty impressed with the New Moon Soundtrack. It features an amazing, progressive track by Thom Yorke, a groundbreaking duet by Bon Iver and St. Vincent, and a truly haunting piece by Lykke Li. Other notable contributions are from Anya Marina, Band of Skulls, and Grizzly Bear. "Friends" is a particularly catchy song which, even after multiple listens, does not disappoint. The weakness of the album is Death Cab for Cutie's "Meet Me on the Equinox" which is dull, formulaic, and repetitive. I always skip the track when I am listening to this album. If I'm unlucky enough to hear it on the radio in a public place..." -Caitlin Madill
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